Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Long Time Gone

It's been way too long since I last posted here, basically because I forgot how to access my account. *sigh* I hate being technologically challenged, but not enough to take a class and try to keep the information in my brain.

I have joyfully celebrated my 25th wedding anniversary with my best friend. We had so much fun on our trip to Louisiana! Dancing every night to that happy Cajun music, meeting wonderful people, focusing on nothing but each other... aaaahhhh, I want to do it all over again!

I've been pondering many things, and wondering how much of my thoughts I should actually release to the ether here. Some people have blogs full of weighty issues and deep thought and occasional (or constant!) vituperation. I'm not sure what I want this one to be, now.

I'll be back and have a decision.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

One of our nation's greatest

"If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under."

Ronald Reagan

'Nuff said.

Glub, glub, glub.

I need a cookie...

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Comfort on a Cold Day

Snowy and cold outside, warm and comforting inside. That's the only redeeming feature of winter in my opinion (unless there's skiing to be had)... the wonderful feeling of coziness and safety afforded by a warm home and warm foods.

Today in defiance of the cold and wind, and of the snow on the ground, I made a homemade version of Olive Garden's delicious Zuppa Toscana, complete with garlic breadsticks. Yum! Sitting here watching a movie about people living in a desert, eating my hot and slightly spicy soup, I laugh at winter!

Life is good. I am so blessed! And I am deeply thankful to God for His blessings.

How about you?

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Under the Snow

Snow, snow, snow... on top of ice on top of freezing rain... whatever happened to my (cough) global warming?

I know, I know, global warming is hooey based on creating crises to obtain grant money; my meteorologist (B.S. from Missouri, sr. forecaster NOAA) sister sneers regularly at all the hubbub. Still, I liked the idea--I hate winter. At least winter here. Of course, we have it all in my home state: cold, wet, muddy winters and hot, humid, beastly summers.

Usually, I like snow. It's a great change from the dreadful gray and brown winters we normally have here. It's beautiful. It's fun to play in and fun to watch the dog play in (I know, incorrect grammar. Have a cookie, you'll feel better.). It is, however, h*llacious to drive in. Coming home last night as the snow hit was a nightmare, a very scary one. My miscalculation of when the storm would arrive and start causing havoc could have gotten me killed, as well as my children. Me, no biggie, I know where I'm going, but I shouldn't make mistakes when it comes to my kids.

*sigh* Fallibility is sad and ubiquitous. And so, recently, is bad, scary, inconvenient weather in this region. I stopped 3 times to ask people in the ditch if they needed help. Thank God for cell phones!

Anyway, I'm off to shovel some more so that dear hubby can get in the door when he comes home after spending the night elsewhere to stay safe. Then, I'll have a cookie.

I'll feel better.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Have a cookie

I have long come to the conclusion that there are few disappointments in life that cannot be mitigated by having a great big warm cookie and a glass of milk.

Of course, there are many things for which this remedy only scratches the surface... but it helps while one works it all out in thought.

Join me once in a while to talk about whatever, and make sure to bring a cookie.